Music is the power you can express deeper feelings.
The power of a rooted and deep friendship.
Through music I found a deep friendship. A very special connection between worlds. Between cultures. Between an ocean. A world in us. Our own world.
Connection isn’t about the land we are living in. It’s about instant recognition on an subconscious level. Our Souls are connected on a deeper level. Always and in all ways.
Finding someone you really connect with is nothing short of a miracle. You keep it safe and love it unconditionally. Our love and care. Our unity makes us one family.
Faith. Unity. Onelove. Love. Care.
Thank you for all the years
Sabine Ilg
October 26, 2018Hallo liebe Jenni und Gigi ,
Dein Text ist sehr tiefsinnig und schön .
Magische Kräfte ? denke ich … ?
Ich wünsche Euch einen guten Start und viel Glück
Liebe Grüße Deine Mama
Würde mich freuen bald Gigi kennen zu lernen